We took the bus in front of Joan Alcover’s door and everyone was very excited because it was a private one. After an hour of snoring and sleeping or dancing and screaming, we arrived to Deià.

The first thing I saw was the village between huge mountains  that looked like a giant wall protecting it. There were people from the village selling coffee and other things and after five minutes, we got to Robert Graves’ house. It was beautiful and very big and it had a precious garden with many trees and other plants.

First, we saw a video that explained Robert’s life and why he chose Deià to live. In the video he said that Deià is a perfect mixture of nice people, few politics and an incredible environment, and he was right!  After the video we did an activity related to Robert’s lifeline and when we finished we visited the garden. It was gorgeous, we had to look for some trees and machines as another activity and it was very fun.

After the first two activities everyone was very hungry, so we sat, ate our snacks and talked. Our break lasted about fifteen minutes and then, we entered his house. It wasn’t too big  but it had many rooms and at the top of the house there was a museum.

Our next visit was to the cemetery, where we saw Robert Graves’s tumb. It was a very pretty graveyard, and after visiting his grave, we read some poems that Robert wrote about war and love.

To end, we walked back to the bus and in less than an hour we were in front of Joan Alcover’s door again.

                                                                      Sara Lasaga, S3B

Com probablement ja sabeu, els alumnes de la classe de 4rt ESO A hem enregistrat un vídeo per participar al concurs Shakespeare In London organitzat per l’editorial Oxford, que recorda les obres de l’autor en el 400 aniversari de la seva mort oferint-nos als alumnes del grup la possibilitat de guanyar un viatge d’un cap de setmana a Londres. Per això, necessitam el vostre vot. Recordau que heu de seguir totes les instruccions; sinó, el vostre vot no serà vàlid. Aquí les teniu:
1. Clicau a l’enllaç següent: http://wshe.es/TE6sUQz3
2. Introduïu el vostre correu electrònic. No sortiu de la pàgina.
3. Important: clicau al botó que diu “SEND EMAIL”. Rebreu un email al vostre correu. Si no us arriba, comprovau les dades, tornau pitjar el botó o carregau la safeta d’entrada una altra vegada.
4. Pitjau el link inclòs al correu que just heu rebut. El vostre vot ja s’ha registrat!
Els alumnes de la classe us agraeixen profundament la vostra participació!

On May 10th the Fonix Final 2014 (an English Competition) was held in Palma.

Bernat Pol (2nd ESO) and Pau Serra (3rd ESO) got to the Final Stage, there were students from all the Balearic Islands. They both can be seen in the photo the day they took the exam.

Yesterday, May 19th, the results were published and we, very proudly, can say that Bernat Pol was awarded with the 4th prize and Pau Serra with the 6th prize of all the Baleric Islands .  The ceremony of prizes and diplomas will take place next Friday 30th.

Congratulations for both of them!!!!!

“It was a great challange to take part in the competition and I feel very proud of having achieved the final stage”, Pau Serra said after knowing the results.

“The teachers in the exams were very nice to us. I felt a bit nervous in the oral test, all in all I am happy with the experience and the prize.” Bernat said.

Pilar Agustí, departament d’anglès

Us deixam amb les impressions dels alumnes de 2n de batxillerat sobre la pel·lícula d’Spike Jonze que anàrem a veure en versió original durant una sortida extraescolar del departament d’anglès.

Patricia Martínez, Federico Sáiz i Pilar García

What is the Students’ View on Saint Valentine’s Experience in class?

Carlos Ruíz:

“First, we suggested some ideas for this special day.”

Karina Mesa:

“We decorated the classroom with candles and teddy bears. (…) We were given chocolates all the time. There were enough for all the lesson, and even more.”

Javi Feced:

“Karina taught some of us how to make paper flowers, while some others were writing Valentine cards on the computer.”

Christian Campos:

“It was a funny day, because we didn’t have to bring in our homework, and at the end of the lesson our deputy teacher took some photos.”


Des del 2009, l‘IES Joan Alcover participa en el Concurs Interescolar d’anglès de les Illes Balears. Es tracta d’un consurs organitzat per International House Palma i per la Cambridge University Press. Compta amb el suport de la Direcció General d’Ordenació, Innovació i Formació Professional de la Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Universitats del Govern de les Illes Balears, com a activitat organitzada en el marc del Pla de la Tercera Llengua adreçat a la millora de l’aprenentatge de la llengua estrangera per part de l’alumnat de nivells no universitaris.

El concurs és una iniciativa que pretén complementar els plans de millora de la llengua anglesa als centres educatius balears i s’organitza amb la finalitat d’estimular i motivar l’aprenentatge d’aquest idioma, atesa la seva importància a la societat actual.

Més informació

Aquí teniu els noms d’alguns dels nostres finalistes i guanyadors d’edicions anteriors:


> > *2009*: S2   Aldred Schelesier Corrales 2n premi

> >              B1   Lluïsa Schelesier Corrales 3r premi
> >              B2   Elena Sánchez-Pastor Gomis 1r premi

> > *2010*: B1   Alvaro Morote. 1r premi
> > *2011* :B2  Joaquín Valente 2n premi

> > *2012*: S2 Ferran Pericàs Cladera 1r premi

> >              S4 Maria del Mar Costa Martorell 2n premi
> >              B2 Juan José Garau Luis 5è premi

I els participants d’aquesta edició que aniran a la fase territorial són:

S1    Clara Picazo Vergara
S2    Blanca Bennassar Aleñar
S3    Aina M Costa Martorell
S4    Marina Canaves Canals
B1    M del Mar Costa Martorell
B2    Sara Caputo

Bona sort a tots!


Bàrbara Tomàs, cap del departament d’anglès

On 30th October 2012 our 4th ESO and 1st Batxillerat students saw an absolutely fresh version of the classical “The Merchant of Venice” at the school’s theatre.
Would William Shakespeare recognise his work within this terribly modern adaptation? Yes, indeed! The essentials were there. Yet, instead of getting a big group of professional actors, the company was just composed of 2 of them plus 4 volunteers from the teenage audience,  eager to take part in this attractive show.
This hilarious approach to “The Merchant of Venice” made of a mix of music, dance and original bits of the script made Joan Alcover high school students get in touch with the spirit of William Shakespeare.

Dídac Boïgues, departament d’anglès

Fitxa tècnica

Companyia: Oxford Pocket Theatre

Títol: The Merchant of Venice

Representat a la sala d’actes el 6 de desembre de 2012